Welcome to New Way - Saturday, 27th July 2024
starInglês Francês e Espanhol de Um Jeito Novo

artigosThe World Cup!

From 4 to 4 years the world cup is realized and always changing the place where the games will be played. In 2014 the games were in Brazil, but this year the cup is in Russia.
There is so cold, and the players who come to play, their technical team and also the supporters have to be prepared to face the temperatures there. But if you don’t like so much the cold, you can stay home and watch the games on TV. You can support your favorite team without spend much money, and if you lose, you don’t have to see the others celebrating.

The 2018 FIFA World Cup is the 21st FIFA World Cup.This is the first World Cup held in Europe since 2006 in Germany. The 209 FIFA members association qualified hosts Russia Cup, but just 32 participate in the Cup. The winners of the World Cup will qualify for the 2021 FIFA Confederation Cup. In my opinion Brazil won’t win the cup. (Gabrieli S.)

This year the world cup happens in Russia, the opening of the world cup was this morning, and the first match was Russia against Saudi Arabia - Russia won.

I think in this cup, the Brazilian team is very good, and they have chances to win this year. An important Brazilian soccer player, Daniel Alves is out because he hurt his knee, but Danilo and Fagner took his position.

In my opinion the team playing in the first mach of Brazil will be Alisson, Neymar, Willian, Gabriel Jesus, Coutinho, Casemiro, Miranda, Thiago Silva, Danilo, Marcelo and Paulinho. (Taíssa C. Z.)

The World Cup is a social event involving many countries around the world choosing a winner that will get an award and appreciation of other countries. Many people prioritize the cup forgetting all the problems existent on Earth, manly in Brazil, where the media focus too much on it, hiding some extreme issues in the society. Brazil has an unfair system of organization where the poor society’s part is more persuasive to impose that having fun in the cup is better than studying and getting developed. (Guilherme) 

In my opinion, this is unnecessary, because the country spends a lot of money, like billions, and this money they could use for education, to help people. I know the country will win money, but they spend again in stadiums and accommodation for the players. But as it is a big event, we Brazilians watch and cheer for the title of sixth time champion.  (Eduardo  )

The World Cup involves 32 teams’ battle for the World Title for and winning a trophy. In this year, the World Cup is in Russia, starting on 14th June, ending with the final match on 15th July, and the mascot is a wolf.

FIFA World Cup is the biggest competition of the world, more than 211 countries participate in the competition, but just 32 countries are classified and with those teams FIFA made a drawing to form the games keys.

The World Cup started in 1930 and the champion country was Uruguay. Since then, there have been 20 events. And Brazil is the country with more titles (5) and in the second “place’’ is Germany with 4 titles. (Gustavo)

textos produzidos por alunos - newway.idiomas.2014@gmail.com

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