Welcome to New Way - Saturday, 27th July 2024
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artigosMore Easter Ideas!

In a beautiful day, 3 children are playing with one magic hat and talking about chocolates. When one of them says Easter eggs, the rabbit appears. They go crazy, because the rabbit starts to do many Easter Eggs, but the rabbit only makes eggs 90% cocoa or dark chocolate, and he disappears.The children don’t eat the chocolate, and the adults end up winning in this time. (Rafael)

In a day Easter was arriving. So 3 friends were talking about what eggs they wanted. Mari wanted black chocolate with coconut. John wanted black chocolate with peanut and Juli wanted white chocolate with black chocolate. Suddenly appeared the bunny, and brought those Easter eggs. The friends were happy!

The Invisible Bunny 

Have you ever seen the Easter Bunny? I think you haven’t because he is invisible! So that’s why no one has ever seen him. (Gabi)

At Easter, people give chocolates and prepare delicious food. People also enjoy the holiday for walking around or stay with the family. It is a good time to rethink our attitudes.

Happy Easter! (Monize)

One Day, a Bunny was walking and saw a boy. The Bunny questioned what was wrong with the boy, and he said that he didn’t buy eggs for his friends. So, the Bunny helped him! But the true was that the boy ate all the eggs alone!! (Betina)

The Magic Bunny

Bob was a bunny that worked with a magician. One day Bob stole the magic stick and hat.
So with these two things he started to make appear a lot of chocolate eggs and gave to all the kids. Thanks to Bob, the Easter was happy! (Rafa)

“- I’m Easter Bunny, I’m a magician. I take out the Easter eggs off my magic hat. I have a dream to become one professional magician. I want to work in a circus because I love children and I like to see their smiles. When I take off the Easter eggs, I’m going to give them for the children!” (Leticia)

The Pink Rabbit

Since the pink rabbit was a little kid, he suffered bullying for being pink. The other kids always laughed at him for his color and the pink rabbit always backed crying home. When the pink rabbit grew up, he ran away from home because he was tired of suffering this type of discrimination, so he entered in the world of drugs. He spent all of his money in weed and started to smoke a lot. The time passed and the poor rabbit died of cancer and nobody had gone his funeral. (Karine)

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