Welcome to New Way - Saturday, 27th July 2024
starInglês Francês e Espanhol de Um Jeito Novo

artigosNatural Disasters

Eathquake in SC

 Alert for all people in Santa Catarina!

We are investigating more but its foreseen to happen an earthquake in the coast of Santa Catarina! We ask for what should we do before the unpredictable fact because that could destroy all!

It is sad news but is real! Be Careful! (Maria Julia)

Take Care Rio de Janeiro

It is foreseen a tsunami in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, we need to take care, it is serious! Lots of families already were taken to shelters. (Gabriela)


This catastrophe is a very difficult thing to live near.

We have a lot of volcanoes all around the world and there is nothing to do about it!

Many of them are immature, but we need to take care!

Be aware! (Eduarda)

Tsunami in Canoinhas

ALERT - On this Monday night it will have a tsunami in Canoinhas – Santa Catarina, please if you live on this city get out of here now and be safe and take care!

This is really sad news but we don’t command the nature! #prayforcanoinhas (Karine)

textos produzidos por alunos - newway.idiomas.2014@gmail.com

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