Welcome to New Way - Saturday, 27th July 2024
starInglês Francês e Espanhol de Um Jeito Novo

artigosShort Dialogues


- Hey Bro, are you free Friday? We wanna do something!

- Yes we can go drink something in the new city bar!

- Oh, That’s a good idea !

 - Ok, see you Friday night

....On Friday

- Man, this place is amazing

- Yes look at that girl

- She’s beautiful, but I think it’s better don’t mess with her

- Why?

- She has a boyfriend

- Oh! Boy, I need to forget her

- Once seen never forgotten!

- I still am in the love precipice!


Bob: Hey look do you know about this International Photographic Competition?

Jack: Yes, it’s going to be awesome

Bob: Are you going to participate?

Jack: Yes, well I think yes!

Bob: Oh, cool! What are the parts of the process?

Jack: You need to enroll and you need your camera, there’s no age limit.

Bob: Hum, and what are your ideas?

Jack: I think I’m going to make a photo session of one  fly which is looking to a wall, full of other flies.

Bob: Oh strange, but cool, so anyway, good luck! Bye!

Jack: Thanks! Bye!

textos produzidos por alunos - newway.idiomas.2014@gmail.com

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