Welcome to New Way - Saturday, 27th July 2024
starInglês Francês e Espanhol de Um Jeito Novo

artigosEducating for Life!

Today we had a different class, we went to Cabral school. There was a science fair with many foods and a campaign Blue November. Blue November celebrates the prostate cancer campaign. They talked about many things. There was a campaign called “Profeta Gentileza” about the kindness: “Kindness Generates Kindness”.  We learned about health and life quality. We measured our weight to calculate our body-mass index. They made a mini model of Cabral school to talk about sports. We drank tea and we got many souvenirs: a sachet, a blue moustache, a kindness card and information for a good life. It was very creative and fine! (Aline, André, Eduarda, Maria Júlia, Oryana, Pedro, Priscila and Rafaela – teens).

textos produzidos por alunos - newway.idiomas.2014@gmail.com

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